Major specialties of Unani medicine
Major specialties of Unani medicine Unani medicine is based on the concept of humoral theory. This is the first theory of scientific medicine and practiced for over 2500 years. According to this theory, there are four humours in the body. These humours are Blood (daam), phelgum (bulghum), yellow bile (safra), and black bile (sauda). In Unani medicine, all the phenomena of health and disease are described in this theory. There are three basic modalities of treatment in the Unani system of medicine. These are – Ilaj Bil Tadbeer wo Taghjiya (Regiminal Therapy and diet therapy) Ilaj Bil Advia (Pharmacotherapy) Ilaj Bil Yaad (Therapy with manual intervention like Surgery) Unani medicine is subdivided into several specialties. Few other major specialties and departments of Unani medicine are follows – 1. Kulliyat-e-tibb (Principle of medicine): it is a fundamental branch that provides the basis for the study of Unani medicine as it deals with the go...
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