
Showing posts from October, 2022

डेंगू बुखार Dengue fever

परिचय : डेंगू बुखार  एडीज मच्छर के कटने से फैलनेवाला बीमारी है। कारण: डेंगू वायरस से होता है। वाहक : संक्रमित मादा एडीज मच्छर के कटने से सामान्यत: होता है, परंतु यह बीमारी गभर्वती माता से उसके सीसी को तथा blood transfusionसे भी फैल (transmit) सकता है| लक्षण:  तेज बुखार, सिर दर्द, आंखों के पीछे दर्द, जोड़ों और मांसपेशियों में तेज दर्द, थकान, मतली, उल्टी, त्वचा पर लाल चकत्ते  जांच: Complete blood count, IgG ,IgM ,PCR उपचार : No Specefic treatment,सामान्यत: लक्षणों के अनुसार इलाज किया जता है। बुखार के लिए paracetamol वजन के अनुसार दिया जाता है। इस बीमारी में Aspirin,Ibuprofen माना है। तरल पे पदार्थ अधिक ले बचाव : मच्छर के कटने से बचें, डेंगू का मच्छर सुबह में काटता है। डेंगू बुखार के लिए जिम्मेदार मादा एडीज मच्छर आमतौर पर साफ लेकिन स्थिर पानी में अंडा देती है, इसलिए संक्रमण के जोखिम को कम करने के लिए पानी जमाव से बचना  चाहिए।लंबी बाजू की कमीज और लंबी पैंट पहनें  मच्छर के काटने से खुद को बचाएं।मच्छरदानी का उपयोग करें। डेंगू बुखार के  कुछ युनानी उपचार इस प्रकार ...

Harmful food for pregnant women

  Pregnancy is an important physiological state in which a woman needs special diets and regimens. In this period what one should not ingest is more important than what one should eat and drink. In the period of pregnancy, a fetus develops inside a woman's womb. The nourishment of the fetus depends upon maternal dietary intake. A healthy and hygienic diet and drinks are needed for the proper development of the fetus. Any wrong diet or drink taken by the mother may impart a hazardous effect on the fetus or mother or both. A well-balanced diet for a pregnant woman is one that includes foods from all food groups in appropriate amounts, to ensure proper nutrition. Proper nutrition ensures that all essential nutrients (carbohydrates, fats, protein, vitamins, minerals, and water) are supplied to the body to maintain optimal health and well-being. Good nutrition is essential for normal organ development and functioning; normal reproduction, growth, and maintenance; for optimum activity le...

Psychiatric disorders: An overview

  Psychiatric disorders are recognized by AYUSH since ancient times. In India, in about 1400 BC psychiatric nosology was described by scholars of Ayurveda. Similarly, psychiatric nosology well described in Unani medicine since its beginning. Evidence shows that around 2600 BC, melancholia and hysteria were known in Egypt and Sumaria.   Mental health is discussed as a separate branch in Unani medicine under the heading of Amraze Nafsani. Mental health can be defined as emotional, psychological, and social well-being. In recent years awareness of the people towards the importance of mental health has increased. As the global burden of mental disorders like anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, etc. are increasing day by day affecting people from all socioeconomic background and culture. Mental ill health not only affects suffers rather it also affects and disturbs the family and society. About 20% of patients attaining all healthcare facilities, worldwide are pos...

AYUSH: An introduction

  The word AYUSH is derived from a Sanskrit phrase “ayusmanbhava" meaning long life. This phrase was commonly used blesses since the Mahabharata period for healthy long life. In the present scenario, the term AYUSH is universally adopted for "traditional and Non – conventional system of health care and healing which include Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Naturopathy, Siddha, Sowa Rigpa, Homoeopathy, etc” by the commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology. The entire system of medicine under the umbrella of AYUSH is the time-tested holistic approach to health care and healing. Since the beginning of human civilization, these systems of medicine are popular around all over the globe. Fundamentally AYUSH provides an integrative healthcare modality for complete physical, mental, social, and spiritual health. Due to its importance, the system under AYUSH is globally honored as part of religion far beyond science. The AYUSH system is serving human beings since the pre-historic pe...

Tarkeeb -e- Advia (Composition of drugs)

                                                      Tarkeeb -e- Advia (Composition of drugs) Every drug, either single or compound is made up of various constituents that are responsible for the properties of drugs. The process of amalgamation of the basic component of a drug is known as Tarkeeb -e- Advia (Composition of drugs). There are two basic types of Tarkeeb -e- Advia. I.                     Natural composition (Tarkeeb -e- Tabayi): All naturally occurring substances of the universe has their unique composition, temperament, and properties. If a substance either of animal, plant or geological origin has its drug potential present naturally is called a drug with natural composition, all such drugs are ca...

Umoore Ṭabiya (Essential factors for life)

   Umoore Ṭabiya (Essential factors for life) Kulliyat Umoore Ṭabiya is a fundamental subject that provides the basis for the study of Unani medicine as it deals with the governing principles of this medicine. The name Umoore Ṭabiya is made up of two words Umoore and Ṭabiya. The word umoore is plural of amar means principle, factor, or function; and the word Ṭabiya is derived from Ṭabῑʻat means Physis or nature. Physis (Ṭabῑʻat): It is that power in the body that is directly responsible for the kinetics and static (rest and motion) of the normal body. Aristotle (384-322BC) defines Physis as "nature is a source of being moved or at rest". In a general sense, physis is the body's own natural power which is responsible for the normal function of the body. If any external or internal causes disturb it then physis has the capability to rectify it. Hence physics is also regarded as immunity (Mana’at) because it is an inbuilt mechanism that provides a normal body defense m...

Masalike Advia (Routes of administration of drugs)

  Masalike Advia (Routes of administration of drugs) The choice of route of administration of drugs is an important step in Pharmacotherapy . The selection of route of administration depends on the properties of drugs, types of disease, condition of the patient, age, and convenience. It is crucial to understand the characteristics of the various routes and related techniques. To achieve the goal of pharmacotherapy administration of suitable drugs in accurate doses at the right time through the appropriate route is necessary. Each route of drug administration has its own advantage and disadvantage that must be considered during selecting an appropriate route. The choice of route of administration of drugs also depends upon the need for systemic or local effects. The route of medication administration is broadly classified into two types, external application, and internal administration. The drugs which are applied on the skin or external organs are called topical drugs (advia...