AYUSH: An introduction

 The word AYUSH is derived from a Sanskrit phrase “ayusmanbhava" meaning long life. This phrase was commonly used blesses since the Mahabharata period for healthy long life. In the present scenario, the term AYUSH is universally adopted for "traditional and Non – conventional system of health care and healing which include Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Naturopathy, Siddha, Sowa Rigpa, Homoeopathy, etc” by the commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology. The entire system of medicine under the umbrella of AYUSH is the time-tested holistic approach to health care and healing. Since the beginning of human civilization, these systems of medicine are popular around all over the globe.

Fundamentally AYUSH provides an integrative healthcare modality for complete physical, mental, social, and spiritual health. Due to its importance, the system under AYUSH is globally honored as part of religion far beyond science. The AYUSH system is serving human beings since the pre-historic period, globally. In every period, government and administrative authorities promote the AYUSH system as per their need. In the colonial period of India, these systems of medicine faced some negligence. But soon after independence  Government of India shows indulgence in AYUSH. In the year 1955, the Union Government of India, establish a separate department “the Department of Indian System of Medicine and Homoeopathy (ISM&H)” for the development of these systems. This department was renamed in November 2003 as the Department of Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homoeopathy (Ayush) for the same purpose. on the 9th of November 2014, the Ministry of Ayush was formed by the Government of India with a vision of reviving the profound knowledge of traditional Indian systems of medicine and ensuring the optimal development and propagation of the Ayush systems of healthcare. The Salient Objectives of the Ministry of Ayush are -

  1. To upgrade the educational standard of the Indian Systems of Medicine and Homoeopathy colleges in the country.
  2. To strengthen existing research institutions and to ensure time-bound research programs on identified diseases for which these systems have an effective treatment. 
  3. To draw up schemes for cultivating, promoting, and regenerating medicinal plants that are used in these systems.
  4. To evolve Pharmacopoeial standards of Indian Systems of Medicine and Homoeopathy drugs.


Nearly eight years of its establishment Ministry of Ayush, GOI, has done a lot for the integrative growth and development of AYUSH. The work of ministry in the field of Ayush education, research, and propagation are appreciable. I congratulate all the personnel affiliated with this ministry for their significant effort in the development of Ayush.


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