Effects of Celestial Bodies on Drugs
Celestial bodies or heavenly bodies are objects in space such as the sun, moon, planets, and stars. These Celestial bodies affect the entire mavalid-e-salasa (plant, animal, and mineral kingdom). The life of living organisms including growth and reproduction are directly influenced by gravitational and electromagnetic forces exerted by Celestial bodies and indirectly by the effects of Celestial bodies on climatic conditions. Ancient physicians described that a major impact ate exerted by the 7- Celestial bodies. These are Shams (Sun), Qamar (Moon), Zehel (Saturn), Mushtari (Jupiter), Mareekh (Mars), Zohra (Venus), and Atarad (Mercury). The revolution of Celestial bodies from east to west on earth is called “zamana-etasharruf” and the revolution from west to east is called “zamana-e-haboot”. The effects of a Celestial body are more pronounced in zamana-e-tasharruf than in zamana-e-haboot. The bitterness in fruits, the falling of leaves, the sweetness of nectar, etc of a plant are all due to the effect of these Celestial bodies. any change in the kaifiyath or mizaj (property and temperament) of a drug is influenced by Celestial bodies. Properties of drugs are due to the influence of any of the celestial bodies. The temperament of a drug is in accordance with the corresponding celestial body. A murakkab quwwah (combined properties) drug is due to the effects of more than one Celestial body on that.
Zehel (Saturn): Its
temperament is cold-dry (sard-o-khushk). Black color is devoted to this planet.
The Black (siyah) color, bitter (kasela) taste and foul-smelling
property of an herbal drug are ardent to this planet. This planet shows its
effect on the following drugs:
Nabati (plant origin):
Abnoos, alubukhara, abhal, ajwain, bartang, karnub, datura, zaitoon, supari,
kuchla, babool, dam-ul-akhwain etc.
Haiwani (animal origin): Scorpion, Cat, Rat, Squirrel.
Medani (mineral origin): Black metals, Iron, soil, etc.
Mushtari (Jupiter): Its
temperament is hot-moist (garm-o-tar). All drugs with sweet and pleasant taste
(khush zayeqa), fragrant (khushbudar), smooth (chikni), clear leaved flowers
and buds are devoted to this planet. most of these drugs are liver intoxicant (muqavviy-e-jigar).
The drugs concerned with this planet are following-
Nabati : Alu balu, aadu, akleel-ul-mulk, amaltas, elaichi, anjeer,
brinjasif, bisfaij, salab misri etc Haivani: Camel, sheep, cow, pigeon, hawk,
cock, fish, etc
Medani: Neela totiya (copper sulphate), tin, sona (gold), hadtal,
Mareekh (Mars): Its
temperament is hot-dry (garm-o-khushk). The drugs with rough, thorny, prickly,
bristly and fruits with salty, bitter, and sour (tursh) taste are related to
this planet.
Nabati: Ajwain, aftimoon, badaward, badam talq, dar-e-fil fil,
zafran, zanjabeel, pudina, pyaz, baigan etc
Haiwani: Wolf, lion, cheetah, red feathers birds, Hawk, sheep,
horse, crocodile, tortoise, cow, etc
Medani: Marble, Gold, etc
Zohra (Venus): Its
temperament is cold-moist (sard-o-tar).
Nabati: Anjeer, angoor, bihi, tarbuz, saib, tamatar, salab misri
Haiwani: Bulbul, sea animals, poisonous animals, etc
Madani: Tamba, sang-e-sulaimani, seesa etc
Atarad (Mercury): Its
temperament is cold-dry (sard-o-khushk). Dryness dominates over coldness in
temperament. Drugs related to this planet are soft in temperament and texture.
Nabati : Aqrot, babuna, baqla, zeera,
mash, dhanya etc
Haivani: Monkey, parrot,fox etc Medani: Para, peetal, chuna, hadtal
Qamar (Moon): Its
temperament is cold-moist (sard-o-tar). All creepers and climbers and small
branched plants are related to these Celestial bodies.
Nabati: Aqrot, anar, badam sheerin, saib, palak, kaddu, neelofer,
Tarbuz, isapghol etc
Haivani: Camel, goat, cow, duck, sparrow, etc
Madani: Mothi [pearl] etc
Shams (Sun): Its
temperament is hot-dry (garm-o-khushk). Mature, fragrant, tasty, red flowers
and leaves are related to the sun.
Nabati: Izkhar, tudri, darchini, soya, pudina, asaroon,
Turanjabeen, ustekhuddus, brinjasif, narjeel etc Haivani :
Hawk, sheep, horse, crocodile, tortoise, cow, etc
Madani: Sang-e-marmar, sona etc
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