Zeequn Nafas   / Bronchial Asthma

Bronchial Asthma, known as Zeequn Nafas /Dama/Rabw in Unani System of Medicine, is a Balghami (phlegmatic) disease caused by accumulation of thick viscid Balgham (phlegm) in the lung airways leading to ‘Usr al-Tanaffus (difficulty in breathing).

Iläj bi’l-Dawä’ (Pharmacotherapy)

Single drugs

  • Züfä Khushk (Hyssopus officinalis )
  • Tukhm Katän (Linum usitatissimum.)
  • Irsä (Iris ensata Thunb.)
  • Kurkum (Curcuma longa Linn.)
  • Kalonjé (Nigella sativa Linn.)
  • Isbaghol (Plantago ovata Forsk.)
  • Unñul (Urginea indica Kunth.)
  • Püdéna (Mentha arvensis Linn.)

Compound drugs

·         Habbe Zeequnnafs :

Dose: one pill thrice a day with honey or luke warm water.

Route of administration: oral


·         Lauq Katan :

Dose: 5 to 10 gm thrice a day

Action: Act as expectorant.

Route of administration: oral


·         Sharbate Zufa Murrakab :

Dose: 15 to 20 ml thrice a day

Route of administration: oral


·         Lauq Rabvi: 5 gm twice a day

·         Majoon Rahulmomineen: 5 gm twice a day

Note: No any Unani drugs can be taken without the advice of registered Unani Doctor.


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